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How to be a safer driver

As a driver, you are responsible not only for your own safety but that of your passengers, other roads users, as well as pedestrians. The following advice will help you to become a more responsible and a safer driver.

Being Attentive

An attentive driver is a considerate driver. An attentive driver is always aware and in control of his or her situation. You should be conscious of what is ahead in the distance. You may spot a potential danger and by being attentive, give yourself important time to take corrective action.

You should pay attention to the vehicles ahead of you and leave adequate room for you to brake safely should you have to perform an emergency stop.

Make use of your vehicle’s lights and always indicate when turning.

Cell Phones and Texting

Texting while driving is now a leading cause of accidents. While distracted, it’s not possible to maintain control of your situation and this reduces your reaction time significantly. The only good advice is tonot do it under any circumstance. If you need to text, pull over at a safe location.

Maintain your Vehicle

To be a safe driver, you need a safe vehicle. Make sure your vehicle is maintained and inspected regularly. This should include the brakes, tire tread and pressure, windscreen wipers, and the washer fluid. Regularly check that all lights are working as well as the horn.

Seat Belts

The importance of wearing a seat belt cannot be overstated. Seat belts save lives. Don’t take the unnecessary risk because of comfort or laziness. Even on a short journey to the bottom of your street, buckle up. Insist your passengers buckle up too. You will be doing them a big favor.

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